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Angela Stanton

Migraine Expert

I have known the Reclaim Health India team for some time. I have been interacting with most of them on Twitter and elsewhere. --> They have good knowledge about the Low Carb Diet, especially in the Indian context, which is mostly a plant based country. They can help both the vegetarian & the meat eating population with ease. With India being a capital of diabetes & other metabolic disorders, a Low Carb approach will help immensely. I wish the team a successful time ahead helping to improve the Metabolic status in India. All the best Shashi, Mishal, Siddhesh & Aashish.

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Amy Berger

Alzheimer’s Expert

Shashikant Iyengar and the Reclaim Health India Team are a trusted resource in the low-carb and keto nutrition community. They have broad experience in helping people lose weight and improve an array of health concerns, such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and related issues. Although I can work with people internationally, I have referred numerous people to them specifically in India, as I think it's important for people to work with someone a little closer to home when possible. This group is well-versed in supporting vegetarians (as well as meat eaters) who want to follow low-carb diets, and I'm glad to have knowledgeable professionals to refer people to for this. I know that when people work with them, they will get science-based advice that's practical and doable, without false claims and sensationalism. I wish the Reclaim Health India team -- Shashi, Mishal, Siddhesh, and Ashish -- the best for their venture.

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Gary fettke

M.B.B.S. F.R.A.C.S.(Ortho),F.A.Orth.A

I have observed the efforts of Shashi over the last few years to raise the awareness and promote the benefits of #LowCarb (Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction - TCR) to his local and wider Indian community.--> The benefits of TCR are indisputable in improving outcomes in Type 2 diabetes, and for those with the right education, support and resources, putting it into remission. There are certain hurdles to overcome in achieving this in all societies, and Shashi has been able to achieve this. "Wishing the team of Shashi , Mishal, Siddhesh & Aashish of Reclaim Health India a successful journey in improving Metabolic Syndrome in India.

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Chris Palmer

MD (Psychiatry)

Pioneers like Shashi, Mishal, Siddhesh & Ashish of Reclaim Health India are going to confront the growing crisis of Type 2 Diabetes & Mental Illnesses in India No small feat.. Only brave heroes embark on such an audacious journey & only they will change the world.

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Nutrition Network

Noakes Foundation
South Africa

Shashikant has successfully completed a variety of the professional and advanced trainings at Nutrition Network. He is an amazing living example of someone who has successfully - against all odds - reversed Type 2 Diabetes and is now offering this knowledge back to the world with passion and commitment The Nutrition Network. The Nutrition Network is an online, accredited education, connection and learning platform founded by The Noakes Foundation in partnership with an esteemed team of doctors and scientists.

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Lori Shemek


"In the last few years I've known Shashikant, he has made a powerful impact in assisting others to optimize their health. He has been a driving force in the area of low-carb nutrition and diabetes particularly in India. His efforts have influenced the lives of many positively." Best wishes to shashi, mishal siddhesh and aashish , the Team of Reclaim Health India. Award-Winning, Bestselling Author - How to Fight FATflammation (HarperCollins) Bestselling Author - Fire-Up Your Fat Burn! and The Ketogenic Key USA.

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